Improvements to Increase the Value of Your Home

Homeowners looking to increase the value of their property are usually unsure of where to start. From small DIY renovation projects to house extensions, there are plenty of options to choose from, but the most valuable home improvements are the ones that bring you a higher return than the total amount […]

5 ways to increase your property’s value by adding an extra bedroom

David Knight from roof window retailer Roof Windows 4 You tells us how you can add an extra bedroom to your home to increase its value. Across the UK, adding extra accommodation to a three-bedroom house could increase its value by around 43%, according to research conducted by Safestore. But, […]

Alternative Ways of Adding Value to Your Property

Adding value to your property can be simple. However, too many people try to do it via the old clichés: new kitchen, building an extension, new bathroom. Although these are useful for boosting the value of your home; they’re also incredibly expensive. There’s also a chance that, if you’ve looked […]